Tuesday, October 28, 2014


     Outside of farming, my parents enjoyed and had several outside interests. My dad went to Minnesota with his brother Tommy and friends fishing on several occasions and they also were known to go to professional boxing matches in Des Moines. The men also went to baseball games in Chicago.

     They both enjoyed going to movies and my dad especially enjoyed westerns. They also loved to go dancing. My mom belonged to a club (Federated Women's Club) that in the winter months would include the husbands and play a card game called "500." Also there were many social events that centered around their church that they attended-The United Methodist Church in Laurel.

     A lot of the social aspect of their lives included week-end gatherings of family at my Grandma and Grandpa Laverty's home and special occasions with mom's family in the Marshalltown area.
    As this story continues, some of my information was obtained from old cancelled checks that my mother had saved. When she passed away in 2003, she had kept "all" cancelled checks from 1934, two years after they were married, well into the 1970's when mom was married to my step-dad, Maurice Korte. 
      There were two or three boxes of cancelled checks that I went through over a course of a few months and saved ones that could tell a story about  their lives. Who would have known that "old cancelled checks would tell a story." Someday, soon, they will be saying --"What is a check?"
--------to be continued. 




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