Wednesday, October 29, 2014

THE LAVERTY FAMILY NOTES & MORE-by Doris Laverty Eddy (part 3)

         Grandpa Laverty went to ball games (stood in line at Gilman shortly before he died March 17, 1950.) Grandma  never went nor Grandma Smith did when I played. Grandma Laverty spent a lot of time at church. Was president of Guild between 1941-1943 or so when her mother  was sick and died, but, Grandma never missed a meeting. I have a piece of paper her church Wellington Presbyterian in Ballymena sent when she transferred her membership from there to Laurel Methodist. She was on the church board etc.

     She suggested two sinks in 1947 when they just got water in the kitchen. Grandpa would bring her up and he would sit up in front of Muller's (tavern) in nice weather. He gave out money to Sammy and me and probably other kids. Only 25 or 50 cents.

     Grandpa was a Mason as were all the Lavertys, on the school board, and the year he went off Uncle Tommy went on. Aunt Glatha, Uncle Tommy's wife, was on for a while. Was on the board of (People's Savings Bank) also I believe.

     Grandma and Grandpa were members of the farm organization called Grange as were mom and dad.(I have receipts where they paid dues.) Grandma always said she couldn't get Grandpa to go and then he didn't want to leave. He played his instruments. Remember one Grange ice cream social at a big house just south of Barrett corner. Later a tornado took that house. In 1970's I believe.

     One Christmas we got  stuck in mud just off where highway 14 is. Uncle Arnold Smith and Grandpa came and picked us up with a wagon and horse. Granma Smith fell down in mud south of big house at corner before they graveled road in 1941, the year I started school. We used to have to leave the car at corner and walk up.

     Mom liked her "declam" and on the 4th of July, ran races to make some money to spend. Mom had her appendicitis out while she was carrying Dennis. Had her tonsils out when I was four and Evelyn Smith Brown stayed with me. Daddy had his appendicitis out in high school. Got sick while he and Mom were walking across school campus. Had them out at midnight. Dennis and Deborah were emergency but, both about age of eight. 

     When in high school, Daddy bought uncle Tommy's Ford and nothing but trouble and went to Chevrolets after that and Chevys only. In senior year they were going to skip school but, had car trouble and spent afternoon in Schnoors garage. 

     Mac Vanderventer, the superintendent, wouldn't let mom and dad walk across campus together. I met Mac and he said this was his first school and was told the kids were hard to handle and be rough from the first day. 

     Mom always went up to the pool hall to help during noon hour and daddy would walk part of the way with her and Mac didn't like it. Mom told of ones throwing books out of windows and her shoe went out once and she was caught coming up the fire escape and the teacher asked where she had been and she told him. Through the years at alumni I heard a lot of stories. It was just clean fun and I think they had fun like we did and no one was hurt.      


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