Friday, October 17, 2014


     It was a day or two after New Year's, 1980. My ex-wife, May, and I were returning home from visiting friends in the Los Angeles area and attending the Rose Bowl game and the Rose Bowl Parade. (Ohio State vs. USC) Another story for another day.

     We had just been up through the Redwood Forest northwest of L.A. and stayed the night west of the desert headed for Las Vegas. That morning, before heading across, it was time to do one of my favorite traveling duties-finding a good restaurant for breakfast.

     It was like an episode out of The Twilight Zone. I first turned down a small diner with lots of pickups in front. It didn't feel right for some reason with our Japanese Mazda RX-7. We moved on a few miles and spotted an interesting looking place with no one in sight. It just called to me. Don't ask me why.

      Once inside, it was spotless with its small tables and checkered tablecloths. You could tell it hadn't been open very long. The waitress came over and took our order. As usual, I was hungry and ready to enjoy this joyous meal. Eggs sunny-side up, toast, bacon, and a side of pancakes and coffee. Oh my!

     When the waitress brought the "check," it was extremely low. As I remember, it was around $5.00 for it all. Even by 1980  standards, it was low. I left a large tip! Maybe I hadn't lost my touch in spotting good places to eat. Or possibly, we did go through The Twilight Zone.



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