Thursday, October 2, 2014



     Holidays were a magical time in school. I say school and church because in a small town, they were interconnected. At school I remember making paper chains that we decorated the room with. I don't remember a decorated tree. (in school) We also colored lots of pictures that were displayed throughout the room. I have one project that I remember clearly and that I still use today. We made a Yule log with two places for candles. It is about a foot long with flowers between the candles. The log was cut in half by my father and I gave the other half to my best friend, Nikki. We varnished the log and used it every Christmas.

     Another project we made was for Mother's Day. It is a flower box with a small box attached. There is a tiny bird on the mail  box flag. We had no art teacher so our classroom teacher had to come up with ideas. I loved doing the art projects even though none of us were Picassos.


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