Sunday, October 12, 2014


     This past week a couple was checking out at the Burg Grocery and the following took place. The guy runs a local physical fitness center and is physically built like he does run a fitness center.

     When we got out to their vehicle to unload the groceries he mentioned that the two (gallon)containers of milk were not put in plastic sacks so it would be "easier to carry into the house." 
His wife said she forgot to request the sacks and I said I had not thought of it because most people don't want milk in a bag as they find it easier to carry it without and less chance of sack breaking unless it is double bagged.  He was making, in my opinion, too big a deal of this situation.

     I have watched small petite ladies walk out holding two (gallon) containers  of milk in ONE hand and two sacks of groceries in the other hand. It just seemed funny that this guy with mussels as big as small logs was making this such an issue!

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