Friday, October 3, 2014


     A couple in town just got back from a trip to Idaho for three weeks. She had attended one of my creative writing classes so I asked her if she had written about the trip.

     The answer was no but, first, they were going to go through the 900 pictures that they had taken and sort them. With digital cameras and smart phones today, we can take endless amounts of pictures and think nothing of it.

     Back in the old days, I used to have a good 35mm camera, with zoom lens, and wide angle attachment, that I would have to take off and put on. I would study the landscape or whatever for a time and make sure I had it properly cropped. It was an art to taking pictures. If you used more than two or three rolls of 36 exposure while vacationing you were taking quite a few pictures.

     At least if you never got around to putting those vacation treasures in an album, it was easier to physically know where they were-in a big old box-with no description the back. If you're not careful today, those treasures can be floating around in cyberspace for eternity. I still think writing about your trip is a good idea!  

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