Monday, October 20, 2014


     The night started when someone came up with the idea of taking a lantern with a red flashing light on top for a devilish purpose. This object in the hands of young teenage boys on a weekend evening was a dangerous thing. This group didn't know how dangerous!

     There were four or five of us and it was decided to pull behind cars going through town and pretend that we were a local cop. We would follow them out of town  and when they pulled over at the first cross-road corner north of Laurel on highway 14, we would all have a great laugh and go back to town and do it over again. It worked a couple of times. But, then!

     Somehow that third car stopped. Somebody was getting out and walking over to my car. I was the patsy with the car and the one this angry-looking guy was coming after. You could see him walking in front of his headlights right to us. Oh-oh! One of my class-mates, who was directly behind me, reached up and hit the lock button on my door. Fast thinking. The guy's hand hit the outside door handle. He was too late. Thank goodness!

     The chase was on. We turned around and headed back toward town. Those car headlights were coming up fast behind us. Straight through town heading south on highway 14 into my own turf. South of my Grandpa's old place then east on gravel toward my home. Headed north again on gravel with headlights off. Like that would help with a trail of gravel trailing us. We weren't losing him.

      We made it back into Laurel and headed immediately up and into a grain elevator located at the time a block west of Main Street. Engine off. Lights off. No one was breathing in the car. I'm not sure how long we waited. It seemed like half the night. Eventually, we felt he must have left. We were safe and were to live another day. 

     The next morning, I came into town to see my best friend at the shop were his dad worked. My 57 Chevy was parked across the street at my brother-in-law's service station. The "guy" was back and was asking who owned that coral Chevy. My brother-in-law told him it belonged to HIS brother-in-law. Why? Thank goodness, Clyde, my brother-in-law, was bigger than this guy!

     The guy turned out to be a deputy sheriff from Jasper County and had been driving through with his wife. Not sure he was too smart chasing us all around with his wife in the car? Something about two wrongs! Another case of a guardian angel watching over a group of teenage idiots here on earth!  

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