Saturday, January 31, 2015



     Sometimes a "senior" will invariably mention the price of an item when they were young. We all have done it.I used to kid my mother when she would tell about things that were just a penny or so during the depression years of the 1930's. I reminded her that when my stories took over some day there would be all the years of inflation and it would be more difficult to remember all the prices in different years.

     Getting bogged down in a story with too many details of any kind can be boring and may distract from the story you are trying to tell. If you want to get into prices maybe a "list" method will suffice about a certain period of time. Remember, you can go line and get prices of items in any particular year.

     Mix historical facts and measurements sparingly through-out your stories. Examples would be-where were you when John F. Kennedy died or your feelings of Nine-Eleven. Just remember! Do your best to keep your readers's interest. They will thank you!

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