Monday, January 5, 2015


It was the mid 1980's and we were off to Acapulco and some fun in the sun. While working for Stanbrough Realtors in Des Moines,  I was privileged  to qualify for this trip along with  fifty of my co-associates and their spouses. 

      It was the last week-end in January and the weather was a constant ninety plus degree  paradise. In addition to witnessing a movie made for television shot at our hotel, the great waves at te Princess Hotel south of Acapulco, there was the first nights dinner gathering at an extremely nice restaurant. It was January 27th, right on my birthday.

     One thing you will never forget is being with all your close and favorite associates to celebrate an achievement of this nature. It was another to have them all acknowledge your special day by all singing Happy Birthday to you while being led by a Mariachi band. It is something I will never forget of having the opportunity to being honored on such a special day with so many friends and so far away!

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