Thursday, January 8, 2015


     With this past week of  a mild snow storm and below freezing temperatures, reminds me of a story about my mother and getting her hair done. I am sure several of you ladies will understand.

     Years ago, I would call my mother after work and chat a bit about the weather and other uneventful topics. Sometimes, she would ask, when I had my cleaning service, if I had a good day. To try to gain a little sympathy, I would reply that we had a big day and had cleaned 20 or 30 homes. (Normally 4 or 5.) No sympathy from her. Her reply was usually: "It's good for you!"

     If it was on a Friday and her "hair" day and the weather was really horrible like this past week or much worse, I would ask if she was going to cancel her appointment. "Oh heavens no. There has been a lot of days worse than this." Even though she had to  drive ten miles to her appointment from Melbourne to Marshalltown, Iowa. 

     On the other hand, if I was driving to Des Moines in the summer and the forecast was a thunderstorm, she didn't think I should head out. "But mom, I have windshield wipers. I'll be fine"!  We all have our priorities!


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