Tuesday, January 27, 2015


      When it comes to dates and certain facts, don't let those obstacles slow you down. The best example for most people ids dealing with dates. Do not think you always have to have the EXACT DATE.Sometimes to use, early 1950's is ok. The person reading your story 50 years from now won't really care unless it is a birth date or passing date. 

     Just getting the year or even decade, depending on your story, may be all that is needed. If the date is of importance bracket that space and keep writing. We all have a tendency to stop what we are doing and start researching. We have digressed and before you know it we have forgot what we were doing in the first place.

      You will eventually think of that name,date, or place with the help from a relative or friend. Remember by pondering over detail will possibly take away from what is really important-THE STORY and may discourage you from continuing the story all together.

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