Friday, January 2, 2015


Recently,  I pitched my Rachel Ray cast iron lined dutch oven that I bought a few years ago after the lining cracked and I got tired of using plastic liners. I pulled out my mother's old 12 inch cast iron frying pan with the metal lid. 

     A lot of the comfort cooking that I do with it may not be the healthiest method of cooking, but, the taste can't be beat! Last night prepared a small rump roast with carrots, onion, celery, potato, and some Swanson beef broth. After a little browning to start and 3 hours later at 275 degrees. Oh My! 

      Fried chicken, eggs sunny side up with crispy edges and extra crispy hash browns--where have you been hiding all of my adult life. I am not sure if I will be getting any of my non-stick skillets out again. Except for my small cast iron omelet skillet! Who says you can't go back. Thanks mom!  

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