Sunday, January 25, 2015


     THAT PLACE is still "The" place for prime rib and most everything else. On arriving yesterday evening for our seven o'clock reservation the place was packed. But, we got right in to our table on the scenic north side of the dining area with only a minimal wait.

      The one thing I couldn't resist was ordering along with a small medium prime rib was their outstanding pan fryed walleye on the side. Hey, why not it! When it is your birthday and you don't get up there as often go for it.

      The only two things that have changed were the salads were a little smaller than in the past and of course due to higher beef prices, our tab was a little higher than the $30.00 range it once was. For our money, it is still the best little steak house in maybe a 30 mile radius. It shows that if you cook it well, have good service, and a fair price, it doesn't matter if it is out near lots of corn fields "they will come."

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