Thursday, January 15, 2015


      Years ago, a lady by the name of Linda,  worked for me and was a pretty good cook. One day I mentioned that I was going to make one of my favorite comfort dishes-goulash. She recommended to make it more moist and yummy to add sour cream. She was right! It was soo good.

    Recently, I made beef stroganoff and of course, added sour cream. The best. A lady, who works with me at the Burg Grocery, was making beef and noodles and is considered a pretty good cook. I had mentioned that she should try a little sour cream. The next day she came in beaming. She had just added a "blob" to her dish.

     It makes you feel good when you can pass along such a little tip and it makes a difference to a meal and you know it makes someone very happy. Sometimes it is the little things.

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