Sunday, January 25, 2015


      It was the late 1970's and time to head to one of the Summer Jams held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Grandstand. One of the big headliners on this occasion was the Beach Boys.

     It was quite an  entourage going to the Jam-about six of my single pals and my daughter, LaRisa, and a friend of hers. When I picked up LaRisa, she ran back inside the house and came out with a pen and some paper. She said without any doubt that she was going to get a Beach Boys  autograph. Sure she was!

     On arriving, our group just snaked our way down to the front of the stage as it was all general admission. Other known groups at the time were the Doobie Brothers, Santana, and Kansas. Before the Beach Boys came out, Bob Merritt, my good friend, asked a security guy standing in front of the stage if he would take LaRisa's pen and paper and go back and get an autograph from one of the Beach Boys group. Bob knew the security guy from high school days.

    In a few minutes out came the guy with a signed autograph. Bob then  handed the paper and pen to LaRisa with her request. In a cute but yet determined way she turned to me and said: "See dad, I told you so!!"


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