Friday, January 23, 2015


     Next and maybe the most important step in writing is what time of day or week that fits your schedule. Do you write for short or long durations? For myself and researching most writers, the early morning hours works best. And, two or three hour spurts are best. If you still working a regular job, early hours on the weekend may work best.

     Before you let your mind get cluttered with all sorts of  daily stuff, make writing your first priority after breakfast and don't allow any disruptions to interfere.  Wtite down those home chores on a To Do List  and you will not be distracted by them. If that doesn't work, go to your library or somewhere that gives you privacy.

     Then move on with your day. You may want to split the day and get back to writing later in the day for a duration. Only you can decide the best time of the day or week. But, just get started.

     Practice on how long it takes yo to write a page or story in a given amount of time. Experiment at first with your time period. Can you write one or two stories in a two hour period? You will get on to it with practice. 

     Sometimes you can look at your list of stories and are inspired by one or two"juicy" ones and the go for it! Maybe one story is giving yo a little trouble with srarting it or some of the details. Do not press it. Sleep on it. Give it a little time. But, even if you are having trouble with a date or name, keep writing, leave it blank and come back to it later. Don't let details bog you down.

     When that trouble maker finally starts talking to you, get that pen or keyboard ready and start typing. Again, keep a pad handy at your bedside, thoughtts and  ideas sometimes come at 4 A.M. in the morning.

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