Thursday, January 29, 2015


     A lady came up to me after speaking at a local genealogy society meeting some time back and indicated she would never read my book of stories because there were no pictures. My first thought was :are we in grade school with Dick and Jane."

     To some, pictures are important, but, what is important is bringing to life the story with the written word. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words in some ways, however, just a picture of your Grandpa doesn't tell anything interesting about him.

     If you can do it all within a reasonable amount  of time as a project go for it. My advice is to do one thing at a time. I have recently been putting together a family photo book of oth sides of my mother and dad's family complete with a preface and list of the family members and how we are connected.

    My next project will be to put together the narrative-biographical, stories, obituaries, clippings, stats, and so forth with a few selected pictures. Again, I did it in that manner as I wanted to at least get one part done in its entirety. 

     Even if you get to the point where you have twenty stories and other interesting writings and want to put a few pictures with it, have it bound by a do-it-yourself method online or a local print shop. No matter how you do it, by having the stories with pictures, if you want, it will give you a feeling of accomplishment. Then make sure you make a few copies for gifts to family members. And, you can also E mail the stories around or save them on a flash drive or disc for those that have an interest.

That is one thing about technology today, we can keep adding or we can edit as we go along. 


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