Sunday, January 4, 2015


      The beginnings of a snow storm was in its infancy, and, of course, it was right on my birthday. Here I was was sitting at my favorite restaurants in the late 1970's and with someone I was dating quite seriously at the time. We were sitting at Johnny Vet's Club in West DesMoines and trying to decide whether to leave right away and head back to my house on Rio Valley Drive in Clive.

     One thing Penny, my date, wanted to do was stop by a friends home in West Des Moines and pick up "something." Against my better judgement, we did  swing by this friends home first.

     Here we go! Surprise! On the premise of just running in to pick up an article, I was faced with all these cheering friends yelling SURPRISE! Their vehicles were all parked over and around the next block so as not to be detected. My best friend at the time was keeping watch for us out in this blizzard in an Air Force parka. No cell phones to keep in touch and report any progress. 

     Yes, the party began and no one cared a whole lot. Some stayed the night and the rest of us made it safely back home. It's funny how times change. Today just knowing that a snow storm was coming would have kept me right at home!

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