Saturday, January 10, 2015


      The most unusual birthday I will ever experience happened again back in the crazy late 1970's during my early first divorce/ bachelor days. I was having breakfast with someone on the day of my birthday at their home and then there was a knock at the door. 

     It was my best friend, Bob, who was there to whisk me off for a day of who knows what kind of surprise on  my birthday. He informed me that we were meeting up with two other mutual friends and heading to the Des Moines  Airport to catch a chartered plane for Las Vegas!

     You never knew what to expect from this guy. I  didn't have a change of clothes and he said that we could always buy some when we got there. Also, understand that Bob owned a large window manufacturing company in West DesMoines at the time and another near Adel. Sometimes and most times he didn't think about the cost of things.

     We were on our way, but, first had to land in Omaha for some lame excuse. The Vegas trip was a lie. We hailed a cab at the Omaha airport and then Bob asked the cabbie to take us to a bar with pool tables and not in too rough an area of town. 

     The rest of the morning and most of the afternoon the four of us  shot pool and did a little drinking. OK a lot of drinking! When we got back, we got stuck in a snowdrift at the Des Moines Airport and finally made it back for another birthday party that was planned that evening by my fiance. You can guess how that all turned out!  


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