Friday, January 16, 2015


       Loren was an upper classmate of mine while attending Laurel High School. He was a cool guy, sort of a Fonzie type from "Happy Days."    Loren always wore his hair in a "duck tail" and combed the top forward into a "waterfall." You would usually see that pack of cigarettes rolled up in one sleeve of his white T-shirt. He never really got in any kind of trouble and never gave anyone grief. 

     He owned a 1949 Hudson Hornet or Commodore, I believe. It resembled an upside down bathtub. Yet, looking back, like most cars of that era, it was cool in its own way. Loren had it primered  with a mid-grey color that's finish was dull and  when washed never streaked. And, with those big white walls of the time and cool hub caps, along with the "top chopped," this was one mean looking machine and a driver who could have had his own T. V. show.

     One night, who knows why, a group of us decided to drive to Baxter, a rival town in sports, and see what was happening.  A really dumb decision. Loren drove his machine and off we went. Somewhere in Baxter we ran into a car load or two of their guys and words were shouted. The race and chase was on!

    Baxter is about 15 plus miles southwest of Laurel-with most being on highway 14 that goes to Newton. This chase was made for a movie. Two cars chasing us at speeds in excess of I would rather not think about it. Sometimes one of the Baxter cars would try to pass and Loren would swerve and cut him off. Then he would try from the other side to no avail. 

     Finally we drove into Laurel and hopefully in safe territory. We pulled up in front of a place owned by a guy, at the time, who used it as a roller skating rink and restaurant. The race was over and the boys from Baxter were on their way home! We never did that again. We did it the right way and beat them on the football field.

      ***A footnote. I never did learn how to roller skate!

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