Saturday, January 24, 2015


      For me getting started with story ideas was not difficult. So many many stories were sitting up there in my head. Most of my first stories were about the early years years, which included times through my college years. 

     Stories included one about My Mom-Why She Was So Special., My Dad Trading Chevy's, My Favorite Coach, My Best friend, Old Man Quigley and the Pool Hall, My Aunt Vivian,and the "Race" about my Grandpa Smith. All of these and many more are not necessarily biographical at all, but, my feelings about them, or certain events that included them.

      Other early stories included ones about the farm and home where I grew up. Stories about my room, the basement and why it was scary, the kitchen, early T. V., playing on the farm, and falling off the barn-almost. Other early stories were about special memories or events-First Day of School,Early Movies, Scooping the Loop. and Early Birthday Parties.

      Many stories have been written about later years of course. Those about working, children, grandchildren, and trips. Again, don't concern yourself with the order of stories. You can always put them in a chronological order at a latter date.

     The key is to write stories that have something of interest to tell-not just a biographical journey. Hopefully, your family has kept good records of family events, but, you then may want to write some additional interesting stories about you grandmother and weave in some historical data on her with some photos included. We all want to know the human interest side to our families.

     Again, don't think about it as writing a book, that's too daunting. Write scenes, or little  vignettes that can be assembled into a book. Also, be economical with words. 

     Again, your objective is to pass along personal and family related short stories and tell them as if the listener was sitting right there in the same room with you. Keep them smiling, laughing, or even a tear with a little sigh! 

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