Tuesday, January 6, 2015


      Let me take you back into the late 1970's. The same song, but, a different verse. It was late January and another surprise birthday party was in the making. The excuse this time was that there was something to pick up at a hotel out by the Des Moines Airport. For some reason I was led to this big banquet room where my good friend, Bob Merritt, had convinced me we needed to go in for some reason. 

     Again it was surprise time. There were lots of friends and probably some that weren't. The birthday drinks kept coming and the gag birthday gifts were a plenty. One in particular was the hit of the evening. It was the size and look of a large doll house and when I opened it up there was this huge ROCK! I had heard of pet rocks, but, this was ridiculous.

       When the party was over, I was carrying my rock and house to my car. Somewhere out in the lobby the house slipped in my hand and the rock rolled forward and fell out landing on the lobby floor with this terrible kaboom! The whole room seemed to vibrate and shake. It was embarrassing  to say the least. 

     For years, I kept that 10-20 pound rock on the outside deck of wherever I lived. It was always funny when moving to have one of the movers ask while pointing at the rock if it was to get moved too!  Yes it does!


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