Sunday, January 18, 2015


      Not sure why I was thinking about this tragedy the other day, but, I did. Jack Baker was the brother to a classmate of mine,  Bob Baker. This tragedy happened in the mid 1950's at a
Laurel High School baseball game.  I was at the game at the time and was around 12 years old. The following account from past records was believed to have been how it happened.

      The accident happened at a baseball game between Laurel and Newburg and happened during the sixth inning of a seven inning game. Jack was a freshman and only fourteen years old. He was attempting to steal third base from second and was hit in the head by the throw from the opposing catcher. 

     The game was completed because no one thought Jack to be injured that seriously. Jack's sister, Deloras, did take Jack to the hospital in Marshalltown for observation. Jack died apparently of a cerebral hemorrhage. The attending physician had examined him at around 6pm and again as late as 1am and reacted to normal conversation. He passed away about an hour later. If only protective helmets would have been in use back then!




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