Monday, January 19, 2015


      The other day some kids at the Burg Grocery were making fun of the oldie's music being played there. What made me feel old was that some of the music was from the 1980's! It reminded also the time my grandson's made fun of me about watching the old classic science fiction classic, The Day The Earth Stood Still, from the early 1950's starring Michael Renne.

      The first time I saw it was with my cousin, Bob, at the Strand Theater in Marshalltown, Iowa. I know I wasn't even ten at the time, but, when that robot came out from the flying saucer I put my baseball cap over my eyes and couldn't watch.My cousin tried to take my hat away from me and I actually ended up on the floor. Technology wise it can't compare with some of the movies of today. But, with that eerie music and all it still haunts me a little to this day! 

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