Friday, January 23, 2015


          One thing I have done most of my life is to keep a "TO DO LIST." It was something learned many years ago when selling real estate from a customer who kept detailed notes on almost everything.

     It was a learning experience for me and the "To Do" list has been part of my life ever since. The list was made up every A. M. with the most difficult tasks noted and attempted to complete first in the morning hours when my energy level was high. 

     Having that list in front of me constanly gave me afeeling of confidence, control, and never worrying about forgetting something. If a task was thought of during the day, on the list it would go. If something didn't get done that day, on the list for the next day it would go. 

     In most things we do, preparation is the most important. Whether it be planning a vacation, cooking a meal, or making a speech.  You get the picture. Toget started, it is important to be focused, organized, and dedicated to the task of writing. Also, did I mention that you must make the time. Anything in life we want to do we will find and make the time.

     It doesn't matter if yo are computer savy or old school pen and paper just get started with your stories. Just think if you are writing in cursive, it will be a rare item someday and could be worth a lot of money.

     The first step for me was a yellow legal tablet that was always close at hand to simply write the catch phrase or word to remind you of a good story. You will find that initially, several stories will come to mind and you will write down several. As they come slower keep that pad handy so you can write a word or phrase down as a reminder. Once it is written you won't forget it. Especially keep a pad handy near your bed. Lots of ideas pop up early in the morning or during the night when awake. Sometimes I will find myself writing an idea on a piece of paper and sticking it my pocket. Don't rely on your memory alone.

      If you are not computer savvy do not be discouraged. I originally started by writing in long hand and  bartered typing up my stories for cleaning services. A local printing company then bound my stories to keep them in order. 

     Keep those story ideas handy. Even if you don't get around to writing short stories about yourself or family members,  the idea will always be there. If only I would have written the story phrase to a lot of the stories my mother had told numerous times. The mememory fades!

      One other thing worth noting which I probably will repeat. Don't worry  about any particular time frame of your stories. You can always put them in some type of cronological order at a later date.

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