Thursday, January 15, 2015


      The other evening, while visiting with an elderly lady here in town, she preceeded to tell a very interesting story about her father and his experience as a boxer when he was a young man in the area. It was difficult for me, but, for once I was a good listener and asked questions about his experience. 

     Since I enjoy telling stories, it made me realize that I would enjoy listening to others tell theirs and writing about them. I intend to go back and sit down with this lady and next time take notes and have questions prepared in advance.

     But, at the same time I was reminded of years ago while selling real estate. Specializing in condominiums, I listed quite a few of them that elderly ladies were selling before they made their final journey to Arizona or Florida.

     When entering their home, I always indicated, as part of my routine, that I had to be somewhere in an hour or less. Then, if the lady wanted to visit a bit it was ok, but, then down to  business. Now I'm that elderly person, but, I think I'll try the "time routine" or if I'm not careful I could be at a story interview till bed time. 

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