Saturday, January 24, 2015


      Yesterday afternoon we headed to Iowa City and the Work Injury Recovery Center at the University  of Iowa Health Care Center. Ilah had an appointment for a doctor to examine her and determine if she needed surgery on her arm due to a recent injury at her work.

     The first fun part to the appointment was once finding and walking from the parking ramp, was locating the Recovery Center within the hospital. From the sheet of paper with directions sent to us it was fairly easy except for one small wrong turn. The key word that I missed in the directions was "immediate right turn." But, we made it with a few minutes to spare. Somebody needs to come up with an "app" or a human global positioning gizmo for your smart phone. At least for you more savvy folks.

     Next, after filling out a few pages of information and turning in a CD of a MRI from the Urgent Care Center, Ila proceeded to a room for an X-Ray. After that an aide asked more questions, of course, about types of medications used and etc. 

     Then "we" waited in the little closed examine room for nearly 35 minutes before Dennis could not take it any longer. I went out to the reception area and asked how much longer we had to wait. A guy there said he would check it out. At least when calling, for example, US Cellular  for something, they tell you how long the wait is in minutes. 

    I finally opened the door before I died of claustrophobia. Besides all the magazines were not only old, but, too sophisticated for me. The newspaper there was from early December. I threw it away. 

   After an hour of waiting, a nurse of some degree came in and asked more pertinent  questions pertaining to the injury. And, finally just before realizing that I needed some type of anxiety medication, the actual doctor arrived. "Sorry for the wait. We had a large number of patients today." Probably set a world's record for waiting time in a hospital. Next time I may have to take a sedative! 

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