Sunday, January 4, 2015


Here we go! It's January already and here comes the nasty weather. Don;t get me wrong it has been pretty good up until now, but, I have always said that January is the armpit  month of the year. I should know since my birthday falls at the end of the month. If there are others of you out there with birthdays in this month, you know what I mean. 

     When I was in grade school, not sure exactly how old, it was around my birthday and I was standing in line at school getting ready to go through the lunch line. I remember looking up ahead into the line and witnessing some of my classmates whispering to one another and looking directly at me. Even as a kid, you begin to get a little paranoid and think they are all turning against you for some reason. 

      After being shunned by my friends all day, it was time to get on the bus and head for home and somewhere maybe I would be appreciated. I was greeted by my mother and she led me into the front bedroom where she had something to show me. Surprise! There were most of my classmate pals hiding behind the bed. It was my first birthday with friends and surprise birthday party. 

     My mother had driven into town and waited until the buses left from school and then picked up the guys and beat it to our house before the bus delivered me. Of course, the thing I remember most about that day, besides being felt left out of the loop for a time, was playing outside in all those big snow drifts and having my favorite birthday cake--chocolate with white frosting! 


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