Sunday, February 1, 2015


      The other day I was visiting with my friend and classmate Jerry Roberts. It seems like our conversations occasionally drift back to high school days.In one of those visits, it seemed we got talking about our classmate Tony Preston

     When Tony was in high school, his parents and family moved from Laurel to Melbourne, Iowa prior to his senior year. During our senior year, Laurel played Melbourne in football at Melbourne. One thing I remember vividly  involved Tony and myself. As I was running in the open field with the football and hopefully going for the touchdown. I could see Tony out of the corner of my eye cutting me off at an angle. 

     Even though Tony was small, I knew I didn't stand a chance  of running much further. Tony was like a torpedo zeroing in on a ship in open water. Sure enough! Pow! He came in low and tackled me right around the legs and didn't let go.

      The next thing I knew he was taking my hand and helping me up and telling me what a nice run I had. Ya Tony, if it wasn't for you I would have scored a touchdown. In return, I told him that he had made a good tackle! He is still that kind of, guy today. We love you Tony but, couldn't you just have run a little slower! 


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