Tuesday, January 20, 2015


     It was an unusual and very slow way of getting to know this guy Gary. When attending the Iowa football games back in the late 1970's, I got to know Gary Seamons as he sat directly behind me on the east side of the stadium. In talking to him, I learned that he flew in from New Jersey for the home games and was a graduate of Iowa University and worked for A.T.&T. 

     A year later or so, he indicated he was being transferred to Chicago. When he indicated he was moving to Des Moines the next year, I let him know that I was a realtor and helped him find a home in West Des Moines. In the next year or so, he was being transferred back to western New Jersey and about fifty miles west of New York City.

     We had stayed in touch and indicated to him that we, my ex-wife and I, would be coming  for a vacation trip of the east coast. He invited us to stay the night as we were passing through the area. When we arrived, he had ordered a pizza from his favorite local pizzeria! When we talked to him by phone earlier in the day about our arrival time, he had us really pumped about that pizza. Maybe the best we would ever have?

     Quite to the contrary. It may of been the worst ever eaten. It was horrible. My ex and I were in total agreement. Did we want Gary to order another one. Oh no! The same went for the breakfast we had right outside Washington D.C. in Virginia. What better place to have a southern breakfast than down here. That morning it was biscuits and gravy. Yuk! Had much better right in West Des Moines at the Village Inn.  Just never know.

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