Sunday, January 18, 2015


     It was the Spring of 1977, my old buddy and roommate Bob and I decided it was time for a canoe ride. Not just any canoe ride, but, down the mighty Walnut Creek that flowed behind our home.

     We rented a canoe at a local rental place and proceeded to drive west out by Adel or Waukee off highway 6  and put her in the water and got ready for a little adventure. Keep in mind that Walnut Creek is not that wide and very winding-make that extremely winding. It was also flowing pretty good due to the winter run-off and spring rains.

     We loaded the S.S. Bob&Dennis and sat sail for the cruise back east toward our home base. We weren't sailing more than a few hundred yards and I think realized how difficult this would be. With the sharp turns, we were constantly banging in to the banks. I felt like we were in some kind of video  or pin ball  game.But, we pressed on laughing so hard that it became even more difficult. 

     At some point fairly close to back home near Rio Valley, we tipped it over somehow. When we came up out of the water laughing, we realized a couple of things that could be serious losses of this navel accident. One, by some miracle Bob's vehicle keys had remained on the canoe floor despite that the canoe had tipped completely over. Two, and as important, our six pack of beer was still in the canoe floating around! Lucky us!

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