Monday, August 14, 2017


          Besides the food, people watching is my favorite thing to do at the Iowa State Fair. Unfortunately, there a lot of people that I wish I hadn't seen. I see too many young way over weight girls with skimpy clothes that I'm sure they think is cute and sexy. But, if they only knew that they look so pathetic!

        I did see and hear a lot of "foreign" tongue which is a good thing and shows more diversity of people the fair. I has always been a complaint that the fair was too white and rural. It is a changing! 

          The day I attended , Saturday, August 12, 2017 , was extremely packed with people due to the great weather, I'm sure. If you could have eliminated all the folks who were either sitting in BEER tents or walking around with a big plastic cup of beer, it would have been quite pleasant. 

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