Sunday, August 20, 2017


       I saw this delicious looking recipe in a Special Edition cook book by BH&G lately, and just had to give it a try. It was an Italian meat ball sandwich and since I never have made anything with meat-balls, it sounded like a great idea. And, this was despite the fact that I never could grasp the idea of making something ROUND in a sandwich and having to mess with holding it in and not rolling out into your lap.

      No matter. I was obsessed with making it any way. Well, it tasted great as I was sure it would. But, so does my favorite "pizza boat" which I make with the same 50/50 sweet sausage/hamburger. Even the Iowa State Fair favorite of mine, the Gizmo(Italian sausage sandwich), can be made right here at home and come very close in taste. 

        It just boils down to the fact that I had to give something a try that I never tried before. I'm glad I did despite I didn't care for it and deep down knew I probably wouldn't. Sometimes it takes a mistake to know how what you do right--the best!

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