Thursday, August 24, 2017


      It seems like a lot of the time carrying out groceries for customers at the Burg Grocery, the interior of the autos are very cluttered and messy. One lady this past week had to look in front passenger, back left and back right, before deciding which had the least clutter to put the groceries. She then mentioned that it was time to clean out the interior of her auto. 

     I mentioned to her that when I go on trips or for some reason I have a lot of "items" in the car to get out, I simply use one of a couple of plastic clothes baskets I keep in the garage. After a trip it is much easier to put a lot of my "stuff" in the basket, carry it in and disburse everything once inside. It makes the job of unloading a breeze! Besides, I just can't stand a messy car inside little lone a dirty car outside. 

      Try it sometime when you simply want to clean out your car. If your vehicle is really bad get yourself a "small rake" and have some real fun!!


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