Monday, August 14, 2017


       Years ago, I used to attend the Fair on more than one occasion. How else could you eat all the great food that can be found there. I used to sit a particular place and have foot long hot dog, never missed the pork chop on a stick, a big lemonade, my Gizmo, the Wonder Bar, and several different and newly introduced goodies that I have long forgotten.

      Now, I can't eat all this stuff like I used to even in one day. And, since getting to the Fair has be`come just a "one shot"occasion I make the best of it and now have it down to just the Gizmo, my favorite of all time fair-going food, and the Wonder Bar. Besides, I have learned how to prepare that pork chop as good as the Fair(without the stick) but, I haven't learned the total secret of the spices they use in the Gizmo!

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