Friday, August 4, 2017


       I have always said that if anyone came out with a book about eating or exercising in moderation it would never sell. Recently, there was a column in the Des Moines Register entitled Too little exercise, too much: Polarized indeed--by Froma Harrop.

         To one extreme we have those that do very little exercising and those that are engaged in "killer workouts." Besides some people that have given up on themselves, there are those that are perfectionists and go all out and to extremes. 

         I go out every morning and "power walk" for 20-25 minutes. My younger sister has a goal of walking at least 10,000 steps a day. I am not convinced that we need to exercise to that extreme. It's just my opinion. A cardiologist, James O'Keefe, once said--"Darwin was wrong about one thing. It's not survival of the fittest but survival of the moderately fit." 

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