Saturday, August 19, 2017


       This past Thursday evening, 8/17/2017, I attended the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus here in Williamsburg, Iowa. By no stretch of the imagination could it compare to the three ring circus of the now defunct Ringling Bros - Barnum & Bailey Circus. Those were magical times with my kids and grand-children with those huge productions at Vet's Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa. Nor, could it compare to my first circus with my cousins and my Uncle Paul Laverty in Des Moines, Iowa at the Iowa State Fairgrounds back in the early 1950's, and, it was a three ring affair under a canvas tent.

           However, this circus was special despite small performances including a dog act, family of jugglers, a two tigers and lion act, one clown in a little car, and one draft and Shetland pony act.
What made it special was the children in attendance. This circus was magical and special to them. Two little twin girls sat on the right of me and another about the same age of three or four sat on the left of me. 

         The laughter of those little girls and their wide eyed looks with were so precious. There is nothing like sharing a special time like the circus with these youngsters even though they weren't my own! Even the little cutie on my left thought my watch was cool! Yes, my Uncle Paul would have loved this Circus! 


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