Sunday, August 27, 2017


       This Saturday night I drove over to Cordova, Illinois( just up Ill. 84 along Mississippi River 20 minutes from La Claire, Iowa) to attend the 64th World Series of Drag Racing at the Cordova International Raceway just north of town.

        Ever since my cousin, Larry Laverty went there in the late 1950's/early 60's, I  have always given thought about going some day. Yesterday was the day! It was worth the trip to witness one of those big long dragsters fueled with NITRO blaze that quarter mile at literally ear breaking sound and speed of over 300 MPH in under 10 seconds.

         The following are some reasons, though, why this sport and as a fan may not be for you!

1. After being in the stands for a time with 5,000 fans you my come to realize you were the only one who voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Election against Donald Trump! (I didn't vote for her)

2. If you drove to the drag strip for first time in your Prius, you may not comprehend the sound of BLUGA BLUGA BLUGA coming from the race cars.

3. It is imperative that you wear a T-Shirt that sports your favorite auto supply store, body shop, NASCAR/DRAG racing hero, name of Biker Chapter, or anything else that has to do with engines or wheels. A baseball cap with a squeezed bill is also part of your ensemble and must have a flame logo!  

4. You also come to realize you may be the most educated there, you are the only one that CAN'T overhaul an engine and maybe even the kids in attendance. 

5. You love the tattoo on the handsome guy sitting next to you if only he had most of his front teeth. His girlfriend has only one arm completely tattooed with three tones of hair coloring and one side completely shaved. 

6.  When you get this puzzled look from another fan walking by as you ask where a Latte stand might be found?

7. You see another nearby fan suck on a E cigarette and then realize after gazing around that half the fans there are puffing away at their favorite REAL Lucky Strike!

8.   Not only can you smoke real cigs here, you can bring in your favorite "Old Milwaukee" by the case in a cooler and in a toy wagon along with a big ol' ham and cheese sandwich made by mamma before coming.

9. If there is one magazine these fans would be subscribing to it would be "Drag Racing R-US !" 

10.  Lastly, trying to remember where your car is parked in an un-lite and un-marked parking lot when attempting to leave. Thank goodness for technology and autos ability to find you! 


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