Tuesday, August 1, 2017


        Last week I was telling my mechanic about my attending the Brickyard 400 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He chimed in about how his love for drag racing and that he loves attending the Drags at Cordova Drag Strip just up the Mississippi River on the Illinois side. Going to that Strip has been on my Bucket List for some time and do plan on going there yet this summer.

         My cousin, Larry Laverty, had gone there back in the 1950's or early 1960's and it always stuck in my mind as somewhere I wanted to go. The mechanic indicated a big event would be held on the week-end of August 26th, 2017. His reasoning for liking Drags rather than Oval racing was--"Usually you know the winner within 4 seconds!" He does have a valid point, but, NASCAR and INDY racing will still be my favorites! 

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