Tuesday, August 22, 2017


     Do you ever get one of those impulsive moments? Something comes over you out of the blue and you really don't know why. it happened last week at the Iowa State Fair while cutting through one of the livestock barns. 

       There is an area in the cattle barn where they sell all kinds of western wear and whatever. I glanced down and over where several varieties of cowboy hats were displayed. There were huge ones that Hoss Cartright would wear to those that were rattlesnake designed. 

       It was probably the first time in my life or at least  sinceI was a very young boy that for a brief moment, I was giving serious thought to wanting one. I really can't imagine wearing a cowboy hat of any kind with my plain pressed short sleeve shirt with black T-shirt underneath and cargo pants.

    I can't imagine going out and looking for clothes with a western flair. Although,  I did buy a fairly bright turquoise western shirt with pearl buttons that I thought I just had to have last year and have never worn. Maybe I'm going through some kind of metamorphosis transformation? Maybe just "one last fling thing" at my 70's stage. I'll let you know how this one turns out.        

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