Monday, May 15, 2017


        During the past week or two, I did windows for a couple of local young family's homes. One thing that I noticed was what a "mess" most all of the kids rooms were. Clothes all over the floors and especially beds that were not only not made, but, probably had not been for some time.

       I know I grew up during a different era and all that guff, but, it was hard for me to understand what I witnessed. To this day and I don't consider myself totally OCD, but, I still make my bed each morning and tidy up around the house before I get going. I have done the routine for years.

       I know it all started with my mother. First, I had to pick up my clothes and hang things up in the closet and etc. I "had" to make my bed each morning and every Saturday my room was cleaned by me. On occasion my mom, the Sergeant, would come up and inspect. If I missed a "dust bunny" under my bed, it would be pointed out. I'm not sure it all helped me in the long run, but my weird little world is neater! 

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