Tuesday, June 7, 2016


       The other day I took off my ring and did my occasional cleaning of it by soaking it in a solution for a while then taking a tooth brush to it. It finally dawned on me just how old this ring that has been with me for over 56 years!

       My mother gave me this Garnet ring for my sixteenth birthday and I have not taken it off to my recollection in all that time except to switch hands when married. As of right now that is the only piece of jewelry on me as my watch, of many years, battery pooped out. I haven't decided to replace the battery, get a new one or forget it. 

       I wish I could have  $5.00 for every time someone told me what a neat ring it was or "Is that a Ruby?" No, it's a Garnet, the birthstone for January. I have had the the setting re-worked years ago, but, I still wear it with pride. It has been a friend for a long time!  

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