Monday, June 20, 2016


      My mother belonged to an organization called the Federated Women's Club. I was never sure all that they did or was involved with, but, just remember th`e social end of the group. 

       I remember one social event was with husbands and going to each others homes periodically and playing cards. The game was "500!" Most importantly for the kids was the annual picnic at the Maytag Park in Newton, Iowa. As a footnote, the park is still a very beautiful park. The picnic was a big deal. 

     Many picnic tables were pulled together and all that delicious homemade potluck food was laid out for all to see and preview. It was a treat just to walk around and drool a little before it was time to eat. And, somehow it all sat there for a time and no one` worried about anything spoiling. Fried chicken, potato salad, jello salads, pies, and more pies and cake. All homemade. Nothing from no stinkin' deli. No sir!

      Looking back, I know the kids didn't appreciate all the great food. But, we didn't complain either. No Big Macs or pizza to compare. Then the big wait for at least an hour before we could go swimming in the park pool. It seemed forever! The wait seemed longer than the actual swim time. Anyway, the day was the greatest!

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