Friday, June 10, 2016


       I was talking to a friend this past week about how our memories maybe are not what they used to be. It reminded me of something maybe I should entertain now to improve my memory somewhat. That is a "Word Association" course.

        Years ago, during my single days in the late 1970's, I was attending a birthday party for a mutual friend. At some point in the evening I saw him talking to this particular young lady and I thought that I would, at a later date, ask him her name and maybe see if she would like to go out for a date. 

        The next day I called the birthday boy to see if I could get the scoop on this attractive "cutie." He had to think a minute to remember her name, but, finally he spit it out! He said: Oily Sewing Machine! What! Her last name was Pennsinger. Get it! Oily Sewing Machine. He had taken a word association course to improve his memory as a lawyer. The really funny thing is I have never forgotten that name! I guess it worked even after close to 40 years.

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