Saturday, June 11, 2016


     Last night I attended an outdoor barbecue benefit which I thought, despite the heat, would be better than cooking. At the table next to me,I could hear some Seniors talking about attending one of their grand-kids soccer games, but, didn't really understand the game. You hear that a lot these days especially with more and more young kids getting involved with soccer. 

       I have to admit that I have never taken the time to "read up" on the rules and player positions, penalties and so on. If our kids or grand-kids are involved in sports we don't understand, I think we owe it to them to at least understand the basics. There is no good excuse today as we can simply "google" it up and do a little reading. Besides, I don't think soccer is as complex as football or as near as hard to keep track of the ball. I have a good excuse! None of my "crew" ever played soccer!


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