Wednesday, June 15, 2016


      Yesterday I had a business appointment on U Avenue south and just off I-80 at the Little Amana Exit. Just because I couldn't resist, I had to stop into the MAID-RITE restaurant that sits at that exit. The first thing I must say is that it never seemed right to have a franchise maid-rite place at that exit right in Amana territory where family style dining is the norm. But, sadly this exit is not what it once was many years ago.

      Going into this maid-rite I somehow how felt a dis-loyalty to Taylor's in Marshalltown and without argument, to me, the best maid rite in the state. I didn't want very much so I ordered one with my usual mustard and a little onion, water and a bag of chips.

     When I unwrapped the sandwich, it was like if I had ordered a super "wet" one at Taylor's. And, they mix in some kind of seasoning which didn't seem to do a whole lot to the flavor or taste.
It was about the same price , but, not near the amount of meat. Oh, well.

       One more observation worth noting. It was right at noon and there weren't that many patrons in there. By looking around most seemed like just locals. It seems to me that if you were a family traveling the interstate and from another state, you might not even stop as you probably wouldn't even know what the sign with Maid Rite on it is! There are a lot of people out there who barely know what a loose meat sandwich is let alone a MAID- RITE!

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