Monday, June 20, 2016


       Third, stops throughout the day weren't easy. Unlike today where you can easily stop for potty breaks, gas stops, restaurants and knowing the food is pretty much the same with chains. Not true 60 plus years ago. Not knowing for sure what type of restaurant was up ahead and gas was all like an adventure. Usually the food was all American and basic comfort type food. Not too many pizza,taco, or subway places. The nearest thing to a subway was to stop at a grocery store and buy the makings and eat somewhere along the way. 

      Generally our budget would be $10 to $20 a day. That was everything food, gas, and lodging. Souvenirs not included. Next, we would normally start looking for a motel around 4 o'clock or so. Just in case there was a lot of traffic, you didn't want to go very far and then see nothing but "vacancy" signs. No cell phones to call ahead for a reservations-etc. There weren't big chain motels then or at least many like a Holiday Inn

      Most motels were independently owned. Maybe 10-20 units lined up in a row. If you were lucky maybe window air-conditioner, maybe TV, but, you were really in heaven if it had an outdoor pool right out front with a metal fence around it. One thing for sure,  Mom would always go in and check out the room first unlike today.

      Back then, even though it was more of an adventure, many great memories were created, no different than traveling today. One footnote is about one summer I collected ash trays from the motels and restaurants. With mostly universal non-smoking today, those ashtrays would be collector's items today.

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