Monday, June 20, 2016


      It's summer. The 1950's. Usual summer-a little warm and steamy. We're getting ready to head across Nebraska or Kansas. What's the difference, it's a long drive. It'll be worth it. Destination Colorado!

     If we were heading out today it would be a lot different. First, today the roads we have are smooth four-lane Interstate systems where you drive continuously until you want to get off for a reason with signs letting you know what to expect in gas, food, and lodging. Even your smart phone will tell you all. Plus, on occasion you have rest areas with indoor restrooms, picnic areas and vending machines for food and drink.

      In the late 1940's 50's and early 60's,it was a lot different. In most cases traveling across the country, there were two-lane Federal or State highways. That's as good as it usually got. Although, there was the Pennsylvania Turnpike in the 1950's and some of the Freeways were started around larger cities. Speed limits were a reasonable 50 to 70 miles per hour or as in Iowa for a time-"Fair and Reasonable." 

     With two lanes it seemed like we were constantly coming up behind another car or truck. Then my mother would have to pull out a bit to see if anything was coming the other way. She did have a heavy foot. This went on through the entire day and trip. With all this slowing down and speeding up, I'm sure it cut the average driving down to 30-40 miles an hour.

      Second, while going through this nauseous stress that the driver was experiencing, thank God we had an automatic transmission! But, no air-conditioning. The driver had her window down with her arm draped out the window. There was always that sunburned arm. Just the left one! By the time you reached your destination that afternoon with all the speeding up/slowing down, and hot air blowing, it would wear everyone out by the day's end!

---------------to be continued! 

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