Tuesday, June 14, 2016


       You have heard of the "Perfect Storm," well I had the perfect week-end! I did absolutely nothing. Well, not just nothing. I just mean that I had nowhere to go, no work appointments, no reason to leave the house except to the grocery store for a few "usual's." 

      My laundry was caught up and I had done all the dusting and cleaning the week-end before. Just a little writing on the old Blog, preparing and eating some of my favorite simple comfort foods, and of course enjoying the Chicago Cubs. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to do this every week-end, but, it was a really nice change of pace. 

      Maybe I needed to rest up this past week-end as this coming one involves a wedding anniversary function, school re-union, a musical concert in Iowa City, and maybe a movie on Sunday plus a few window jobs thrown in somewhere! I love it! 

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