Tuesday, June 21, 2016


      The one and only time I camped out with my children, La Risa and Darrin was in the late 1970's for one night at the Ashton Wildwood county park west of Baxter, Iowa in Jasper County and just east off Highway 330.

         That wasn't being a bad dad in not taking them camping more because we did go skiing in Colorado numerous times and other over night trips. Camping just wasn't my thing I guess. I have always said that my idea of roughing it would be a Motel 6!

       I'm not sure how this particular park was chosen, but, probably by some family member. It was just the three of us and I do remember that Darrin obtained the tent from a friend of his in West Des Moines. It also amazes me that I don't remember what we had to eat or cook out.

       It was just the one night and I'm sure we went up the following morning to my mom and step-dad, Maurice's farm to visit just south of Van Cleve. The setting at the park reminded me of a TV commercial. The family, the tent, the camp fire, and a newer car that I had just purchased. What a great picture.

      Best of all, that night a storm came up complete with lots of thunder and lightning. And, the night was made perfect with a few of Dad's scary stories. Maybe we only did it once, but, it ws a night of camping I'll never forget!

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